If you've received an email from Obituare or Stripe that references verification information, you'll need to access your Stripe Express account before you can continue receiving payouts.
Why do I need to provide verification information?
Stripe requests verification information whenever someone has raised a large amount of money, e.g. over $3,000. This is standard procedure for Stripe and is usually put in place to prevent fraudulent behavior.
What verification information is needed?
If you're an individual raising money on our platform, Stripe will ask that you provide a photo ID, phone number, Tax ID, or SSN. If you see a request for a "Business Tax ID" and you're an individual, provide your SSN.
If you're a business accepting funds on our platform (charities, vendors, funeral homes, etc.) you'll be asked to provide your business tax ID. You'll also be asked to assign a "company representative" who must provide their contact information.
How do I upload the requested information?
You can upload the requested verification information by visiting your Dashboard page and heading to your Stripe dashboard.
Go to your Dashboard > Payout details > “View your Stripe account” button.
From Stripe, click “Add information”. You will be redirected to a page where you will add the required information.
Update all the required information to verify your account.