Set up a Stripe account: How to add payment information
MJ Davis avatar
Written by MJ Davis
Updated over a week ago
  1. Navigate to your dashboard.

  2. From the left Navigation menu, click "Payout Details"

  3. Click "Set up payouts with Stripe

From here, you'll be taken through Stripe’s account setup process. You can opt to connect either a debit card or bank account to accept funds that are received through your memorial fundraiser.

Adding a bank account or a debit card

Obituare recommends setting up your Stripe account by attaching a bank account. There is no limit to the amount of funds a bank account can accept.

If you choose to connect a debit card, please keep in mind that debit cards have a maximum amount of funds that they can accept daily ($3,000). You may experience issues if you try to send larger sums.

After you go through the account setup process, you'll be able to view your account at any time by visiting to your dashboard.

TROUBLESHOOTING: If you're not receiving funds:

  1. Check to ensure your account has no outstanding verification requests

  2. If you have no outstanding requests, please contact [email protected] and we'll be happy to help.

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