How do I turn off donations and end a fundraiser?
MJ Davis avatar
Written by MJ Davis
Updated over a week ago

You have the ability to create, edit and delete your fundraiser freely as often and as many times as you’d like.

NOTE: Once you receive your first donation you will no longer be able to delete the fundraiser. However, you still can edit the fundraiser details (e.g. name, goal, description).

To disable donations and end a fundraiser:

  1. Visit your Dashboard and click on “Profiles"

  2. Click on the blue button on the top right

  3. A drop down menu will appear. Click the “Edit” link.

4. Click “Memorial Donations”

5. Under “Currently Accepting Donations:” check the No box.

6. The donations have been disabled. Check the Yes box to start accepting the donations again.

To delete a fundraising campaign completely:

  1. Click “Memorial Donations”

2. Click “Remove this fundraiser”

Now the fundraiser will be permanently deleted.

Note: If the fundraiser has received any donations it cannot be permanently removed. However, you can Click "No" under Current accepting donations to stop receiving the donations.

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